Marsh March
Research in salt marshes in Rowley, Mass., explores solutions to long-ago created ditches, which increase flooding from sea level rise. Read More-
Pavlov’s Cells
The phrase “Pavlov’s dogs” has long evoked images of bells, food and salivating dogs. -
Cellular Sleuth: Caelie Kern ’16 Researches Specific Protein’s Role in Cancer
Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences Chuck Walker ponders a long list of successful alumni who once conducted research at his... -
Science Can Be Slow – Like Brewing a Good Cup of Tea
Laura Van Beaver makes notes about her research on how to engineer a better cup of decaffeinated tea. Tea drinkers will tell you it can be hard to... -
Boosting Biomedical Research Statewide
Administered by UNH and Dartmouth, a federally funded initiative aims to increase the state’s research capacity and the scientific knowledge of its...